Monday, March 16, 2009

2009 Spring Musical Tiered Donors



Friend of the Show:  $1.00-$20.00 

Diane Anderson

Pontolillo Family

Matt Yarri

The Di Lavore Family


Cast Member:  $20.01-$50.00 

Superior Hair Cutting

Bill's Friendly Auto

Parkway Delicatessen

Willis Avenue Professional Dry Cleaning

Dr. Grosso

Dr. Maccaro

Donna Strein

Cindy Velez

The Flaum Family

Alicia Parendo

Vijay's Educational Supplies Inc

Celeste Rachell

Rose's General Store

Village Heros

Pine Cleaners

Marco's Barber SHop

Randi Cleaners

Meadow Drive PTA

Devra Small

Adam's Family

Monica Schlichting


Drs. Seltzer and Reing

Donna Trump

Hampton Street PTA

Mineola Middle School PTA


Pit Orchestra: $50.01-$100.00 

Mineola Music Parent

Adam's Family

PJ's Sandwich Shoppe

K's Automotive

Mineola High School PTSA

Sperry Federal Credit Union


Crew Member: $100.01+ 

Elaine and Frank Oliveri

Filipe Mendes

Oliveri Family

Mitchell and MaryEllen Williams

Jill Falcone

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